Thanks to donations from Fiat Chrysler Automobiles and Bordine’s, Paint Creek Center for the Arts is able to prominently display two outdoor sculptures for public viewing throughout the year.
Outdoor Sculpture | Submit Your Work

To view larger images of the work please click on the image thumbnail. Works are listed in reverse chronological order based on display.

Hummingbird on Trumpet Lily
Approximately 5.5′ tall x 3′ wide
Hammered copper and bronze, rolled bead, auto paint and lacquer.
Created by Troy Anderson. SOLD
On display July 2020-March 2021.

Honey Bee on Cone Flower
Approximately 6′ tall x 3′ wide
Hammered copper and bronze, glass accents and lacquer.
Created by Troy Anderson. $2,695
On display July 2020-2021.
Are you a sculptor making work appropriate for outdoor display?
PCCA is currently accepting submissions for our Outdoor Sculpture Exhibition for display beginning in July 2021 and July 2022.
Up to 2 sculptures can be displayed at a time, with 1 sculpture in each of the below locations. Sculptures will be positioned at the front of our building, to the side of each of our entrances, which face East. Both sculpture locations are are visible from the Pine & Fourth Street intersection and curb-side viewing is available.
Guidelines & Information:
- PCCA agrees to act as a sales representative for the Artist.
- Artist acknowledges that they are a resident of the State of Michigan and are 18 years of age or older.
- Artist concedes all works are original hand-crafted objects, designed and executed by the artist.
- PCCA will retain a commission of 30% of the sales price on artworks sold for Artists who are PCCA Members. The commission rate for Artists who are non-members is 40%. Artists may take out a membership at the time they return their signed contract, or any time prior to artwork delivery date.
- No work of art shall be removed from PCCA by the artist without advance notice and consent from PCCA.
- PCCA reserves the right to photograph/video tape all work on display for future promotions of PCCA.
- Artist must complete an inventory sheet to be submitted to PCCA at the time the works for the Outdoor Sculpture are delivered to PCCA. PCCA will insure against loss or damage for 60%-70% of the sale price listed on the inventory sheet for each item. (Determined by Membership status)
- The artist understands the Outdoor Sculpture exhibit spans a 12-month contract period and that the exhibition space is entirely outdoors. PCCA is not responsible for weather damage to work not appropriately sealed for this type of display.
Submit your work by email to [email protected] with the subject line “outdoor exhibitions”.
Please provide in your submission:
- Artist Name and contact information
- 5-10 images of your work
- Medium – materials used
- Retail price/ Insurance value
- Title
- Size and weight
Location 1 – Pine & Fourth intersection
Cement foundation: 30 x 30 in.
Width- no more than 7 ft.
Height- no more than 7 ft.
Please note that this section does experience full sun throughout the day and is immediately beside our large building sign. See pictures for reference.
Location 2 – North Studio entrance
Cement foundation: 30 x 30 in.
Width- no more than 7 ft.
Height- no more than 7 ft.
Please note that a large tree sits just off-center from the display so this location experiences significant shade throughout the day. Work that is overall dark in color may not be suitable for this particular location.