Ghostly Affair: PCCA’s 2024 Halloween Exhibition

After the success and enthusiasm that came with Monstrous in 2023, we are bringing back another Halloween themed exhibition to Paint Creek Center for the Arts! Submit your work today for consideration in PCCA’s 2024 Halloween Exhibition.

This show will feature an opening reception on Friday, October 4 from 4pm – 7pm at PCCA. It will stay on display during PCCA business hours through October 24.


Art Sponsor

Dessert Sponsor

Featured Artists

Preeti Abraham

Carrie Bladecki

Elizabeth Botkin

David Bowling

Alan Brown

Bailey Brown

Matthew Bruer

Maddy Carlton

Jacqueline Chema

Terence Cover

Stephen Czapiewski

Andrew DeBoever

Corinne Elizabeth

Lori Ellsworth

Lydia Gattoni

Priscilla Gonzalez

Hsi-Ling Harney

Christina Haylett

Dark Hoffman

Craig Horky

Tim Johnstone

Scott Jones

Fawn Joyce

Adam Klimek

Chelsea Lackey

Maria Latour

Stephen Lombardi

Clint Marlatt

Dylan McBride

Molly McNeece

Amelia Meier

Sherry Merrill

Rebecca Mickel

Katherine Montefusco

Lucy Mudel

Andrea Novak

Madeline O’Connor

Edward Plewa

David Prescott

Hayden Roenicke

Constance Sanocki

Lindsey Sherline

Ava Smith

Carol Socks-Parker

Victor Spieles

Kayla Spratt

Mary Lou Stropoli

Michelle Taffe

Momo Taffe

Brandon Tester

Ashley Weinberg

Timothy Zulewski

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