2024 Holiday Silent Auction

Thank you to everyone who attended this year’s Holiday Silent Auction – we look forward to hosting again in 2025!

Join Paint Creek Center for the Arts at Rochester Salvage & Supply for our annual Holiday Silent Auction! Attendees will have the opportunity to bid on over 200 pieces of art donated by artists featured at the Art & Apples Festival, along with a variety of other prizes donated by local businesses. Guests will also enjoy a catered strolling dinner, open bar, and live art demonstrations.

For questions or to sign up as a sponsor, contact Shaun Hayes at (248) 651-4110 or shaun@pccart.org.


Thank you to the following businesses for supporting the Holiday Silent Auction.

Dinner Sponsor

Auction Sponsor

Teckla Rhoads, PCCA Board President

Ron Elder, PCCA Board Treasurer

Additional Thank You to Our Host

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