Miniature Masterpieces

Miniature Masterpieces

Paint Creek Center for the Arts is now accepting submissions for the upcoming 2024 exhibition, Miniature Masterpieces, scheduled to open on Saturday, March 16, 2024.

Submissions for the Miniature Masterpieces exhibition were due January 21, 2024. Late applications or applications submitted in any other manner are not accepted.

Miniature Masterpieces will showcase Michigan artists, ages sixteen and older, creating artwork 7″ wide by 7″ high x 7″ deep or smaller. This group exhibition has no set medium or theme requirements outside of the size of the artwork. Whether it’s a not-so-quick “sketch” created en plein air, a to-scale diorama, or you just enjoy working small, we want to see your Miniature Masterpieces!

Feeling inspired?  Create your own miniature masterpiece in our upcoming workshop at The Social Space (Rochester). Click here for more information.


Deadline to Apply: January 21, 2024

Acceptance Announced: January 31, 2024

Opening Reception: Saturday, March 16, 2024 from 4-7pm

Show Dates: March 17 – April 6, 2024 during PCCA business hours

Additional Activities to be announced

Participating Artists

Artists are listed alphabetically by last name and may have more than one piece in the exhibition.


Suzanne Allen

Barb Anness

Renee Atkinson

Linda Burnard

Isabella Busch

Nicole Bush

Taylor Card

Anne Chapman

Winnie Chrzanowski

Christina Clapham

Reyna Colombo


Nancy DeSantis

Melissa Dettloff

Megan Diviney

Julia Felts

Michelle Fether-Samtouni

Steve Fristch


Linden Godlove

Chad Gohlke

Diana Gomez

Sigrid Grace

Beth Guest

Heather Havens

Diane Heath

Aryn Hill

Trish Houtteman


Carol Jackson

Ashlyn Krieter

Morgan Kwapis

Sandi Laham

Maria Latour

Sara LeBeau

Colton Lewis


Betsy Marsh

Dylan McBride

Andra McKenzie

Wendy McWhorter

Amelia Meier

Avery Miller

Hannah Miller

Patti Mitchell

Gabe Mlynarek

Brynlie Morga

Darlena Orr


Tessa Peruzzi

Kathy Pfeiffer

David Prescott

Hayen Roenicke


Isabel Schillace

Grace Shango

Della Simmons

Emma Smith

Courtney Snyder

Carol Socks-Parker

Julia Solis

Remi Sparre

Lisa Spatola

Jenny Stacey

Terri Swinburnson

John Thompson

Jamie Thomson

Sarah Tierney

Darleen Urbanek

Greg Urbin


Camille Vitale

Nancy Wanchik

Marsheila Williams

Ardis Wujchowski

Susan Young

Exhibit Entry Requirements

  1. Miniature Masterpieces is open to Michigan resident artists, ages 16 and older.
  2. All entries must be original hand-crafted work, designed and executed by the accepted artist. Kit work or commercial reproductions of any kind are not allowed.
  3. Artwork must be 7″ wide by 7″ high x 7″ deep or smaller. This includes any matting and framing.
  4. Limit three (3) entries per artist.
  5. Accepted mediums: most 2d and 3d mediums including, but not limited to, ceramic, collage, digital, drawing, fiber and fabric, metal, mixed media, painting, photography, printmaking, woodworking, sculpture, glass. PCCA lacks audio/visual equipment in the gallery space, so no video work will be considered for this exhibit.
  6. Submissions must be submitted through the online application form to be considered. PCCA will not accept walk-ins or deliveries of artwork for consideration.

Special consideration is given to PCCA Members, but membership is not required to participate. Likewise, membership with PCCA does not guarantee acceptance into PCCA exhibits.

How to Submit Your Artwork

Artwork must be submitted through the online submission form (see below for link) no later than 11:59PM on January 21, 2024, to be considered. Late applications or applications submitted in any other manner will not be accepted.

Whenever possible, art files should be titled with your last name and the name of the work to avoid confusion when work is digitally archived. (example: instead of: “IMG4427.jpeg” manually name the file“YourLastName_YourArtworkTitle.jpeg”)

The following must be provided for each piece submitted for consideration. PCCA will not review artwork missing this information.

  • Your/Artist Name
  • Title of work
  • Medium
  • Artwork Dimensions in inches following Width x Height x Depth.
  • If your artwork is framed, please include the final framed size in inches following Width x Height x Depth.
  • Year work was created.
  • Brief statement about the work

Selection Process

Submissions will be juried by PCCA’s current exhibition committee members. Committee members review all entries via slideshow and submit their individual scores for each piece. Artwork is randomly presented in the slideshow, with the following information displayed alongside the image: title, size, medium, artist statement about the work. Once all scores have been submitted, the highest scoring artwork will be accepted for display.

Artwork that does not meet the Exhibit Submission Requirements will not be accepted into the exhibit. Artwork that scores an average of two (2) or lower is automatically declined for display.

Artists whose work is accepted into the exhibit will receive an email with an artist packet (contract, inventory sheet) and a list of accepted artwork on January 31st, 2024. Artist names will also be featured on the landing page for the exhibit on PCCA’s website. See below for more information about accepted artwork.

Due to the volume of applications PCCA typically receives for an exhibit, PCCA does not email artists whose work was not accepted into the exhibit. If you are unsure about whether or not your work was accepted into the exhibit: 1) check your spam folder or use your email search function to find emails titled “Miniature Masterpieces” or from “”, or 2) visit the landing page for the exhibit and search for your name. If your name is listed on the landing page, but you have not received an email, please reach out to our Manager of Galleries & Digital Media directly.

Accepted Artwork

Artists will be notified of acceptance via email only on January 31st by end of day business day. If your work is accepted, you will receive an acceptance letter (email body) along with an artist packet that includes a contract for display and exhibit inventory sheet. These documents must be completed and returned to PCCA no later than the time of artwork delivery.

If your artwork is listed for sale, you must complete a Michigan w9, if one has not previously been completed, for PCCA to issue payment. PCCA will follow up directly if your artwork sells.

All accepted works must arrive to PCCA between February 25th and March 2nd. Work that does not arrive by the March 2nd deadline will not be included in the exhibition.

Artists must bring only the accepted artwork to the gallery for the exhibition. PCCA will not accept or display any work that was not part of the jury process for selection or was not accepted into the exhibit.

Accepted artwork must be ready for display at the time of art drop off. PCCA follows a strict NO WET WORK policy for exhibitions. Wet paintings or clay, frames without hanging wire, broken hanging wire, broken frames, etc., will not be accepted by PCCA staff. Please contact if you have any questions or concerns about displaying your accepted artwork.

Unsold artwork will be available for pick up by the artist or an artist’s representative beginning April 7th through 16th. Any work that is not claimed 30 days after the final day of the exhibition may be considered abandoned and become the property of PCCA.

Supporting Sponsors

Special thanks to the following businesses and organizations for supporting this exhibition

7 South Consulting


Support the Gallery at PCCA

Consider making a tax-deductible contribution to the gallery at Paint Creek Center for the Arts! Entry to this exhibit is free thanks to generous visitors like you! Consider making a charitable contribution to the gallery to help ensure that future events remain free to attend.

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