Tag Archives: PCCA Faculty

Featured Faculty: Cody Bishop
Featured Faculty: Cody Bishop
Featured Faculty - Cody Bishop B.A. K-12 Art Education Cody graduated from Oakland University with her B.A. in K-12 Art Education. She loves teaching and meeting new people, and says [...]
Featured Faculty: Jacey Rain Kennedy
Featured Faculty: Jacey Rain Kennedy
Featured Faculty - Jacey Rain Kennedy B.F.A. Art Bio coming soon. Click here to find courses led by Jacey Rain Kennedy Pictured: Jacey Rain Kennedy, PCCA teaching faculty member. by [...]
Featured Faculty: Emanuel Rus
Featured Faculty: Emanuel Rus
Featured Faculty - Emanuel Rus B.F.A. Painting Bio coming soon. Click here to find courses led by Emanuel Rus Pictured: Emanuel Rus, PCCA teaching faculty member. Emanuel Rus by Emanuel [...]
Featured Faculty: Lisa Brandt
Featured Faculty: Lisa Brandt
Featured Faculty - Lisa Brandt B.F.A. Illustration Lisa Brandt is a German born and raised illustrative artist, now living and working in the metro-Detroit area. She studied graphic design at [...]
Featured Faculty: Carolyn Shoemaker
Featured Faculty: Carolyn Shoemaker
Featured Faculty - Carolyn Shoemaker B.F.A. Graphic Design Carolyn studied at the College for Creative Studies in Detroit, where she earned her B.F.A. She worked as a professional graphic designer [...]
Featured Faculty: Kris Schaedig
Featured Faculty: Kris Schaedig
Featured Faculty - Kris Schaedig M.F.A. Fine and Studio Arts Kris Schaedig is a visual artist working primarily in the metro-Detroit area. She holds a B.F.A. in Painting and Drawing [...]Featured Faculty: Nicole Jendrusina
Featured Faculty - Nicole Jendrusina B.F.A. Studio Arts: Photography Nicole Jendrusina received her degree in Studio Art: Photography with a minor in Art History from Oakland University. Throughout her studies, [...]
Featured Faculty: Corinne MacInnes
Featured Faculty: Corinne MacInnes
Featured Faculty - Corinne MacInnes B.A. Studio Art Corinne MacInnes is a Metro Detroit-based artist working primarily with ceramic mediums and multimedia components. She graduated with a BA in 2015 [...]
Featured Faculty: Marija Blanc